1st Howick Christmas Tournament 2020
1st Howick Pakuranga Chess Club Christmas Tournament is a 7 round chess tournament held on 20th December 2020 at the Howick Bowling Club.
Results of events in 2020 by New Zealand Chess News. An archive of chess events from around New Zealand and the world with a NZ perspective.
1st Howick Pakuranga Chess Club Christmas Tournament is a 7 round chess tournament held on 20th December 2020 at the Howick Bowling Club.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
Papatoetoe Rapid Chess 2020 incorporates the 34th Papatoetoe Rapid Open and 5th Papatoetoe Junior Rapid. All tournaments are 6 round swisses.
New Zealand Senior Chess Championship 2020 is a 6 round chess tournament held from 26th to 29th November 2020 at Auckland Chess Centre.
Summit Rapid Championships, 22 Nov 2020 comprise 3 separate chess tournaments that are played as 6 round swisses at Alexandra Park, Greenland, Auckland.
Kapiti Rapid 2020 is a 6 round chess tournament held on 21st November 2020 at the Salvation Army rear hall, Paraparaumu Beach.
A popular chess event that is part of the more than decade old New Zealand Chess Federation initiative to encourage girls to try chess in an all girl environment. Also an important fundraiser for Waitakere Chess Club. One day event with 3 separate 6 round swiss rapid chess tournaments.
Merv Morrison Memorial Chess Tournament 2020 is a 6 round chess tournament held from 24th to 26th October 2020 at the Auckland Chess Centre.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
South Island Championship 2020 incorporates 2 tournaments. South Island Championship 3rd to 9th October and South Island Rapid 10th October 2020.
New Zealand Junior Chess Championships 2020, Auckland. 26th September to 1st October 2020. Incorporating NZ Junior Chess Championship, NZ Junior Rapid Chess Championship, NZ Junior Blitz Chess Championship.
Report about official NZCF National Interschools Chess Finals held on 26th and 27th September 2020 at Mount Maunganui College.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
North Shore Secondary Interschools 2020 is a qualifying event for NZCF National Interschool Chess Championship. The winner will represent North Shore in the Secondary division.
Peter Stuart Memorial Chess Open 2020 (formerly North Shore Open) comprise three separate 5 round Swiss tournaments held from 29th to 30th August 2020 at Northcote Community Centre.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
Former New Zealand Champions, FM Martin Dreyer and FM Ewen Green, had a match of 6 games of Blitz chess at Poppies Bookshop in Howick, Auckland. After the match, FM Ewen Green took on his students blindfolded. An event in the lead up to International Chess Day, 20th July 2020.
66th North Island Champinoship 2020 is a 7 round chess tournament held from 12th to 18th July 2020 at the Ellen Melville Centre, Auckland.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
Auckland Chess Centre May Weekender 2020. Saturday 23rd to Sunday 24th May 2020. Combined chess tournaments of 18 rounds consisting of 9 rounds of Blitz followed by 9 rounds of Rapid.
Arie Nijman Memorial is a 6 round chess tournament held from 8th to 10th May 2020 at the Canterbury Chess Club, Christchurch.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
Wellington Open 2020 is a 6 round chess tournament held on 10th to 12th April 2020 at CQ Hotel Wellington, New Zealand.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
Latvian Rapid 2020 is a 6 round rapid chess tournament held on Saturday 21st March 2020 at Te Tuhi Centre of the Arts, Pakuranga, Auckland.
Summit Junior Rapid is a monthly 6 round chess tournament for juniors comprising an Open division that is FIDE rated and an Under 1000 division.
15th Bay of Plenty Rapid 2020 is a 6 round rapid chess tournament held on Saturday 29th February 2020 at Bay of Plenty Masonic Centre, Hairini, Tauranga.
8th Hawkes Bay Rapid 2020.
Held on 15th February 2020 at Greenmeadows East Community Hall, Taradale, Napier.
Summit Junior Rapid, Sunday 9th February 2020. 6 round rapid chess tournament.
Auckland Chess Centre Waitangi Weekender 2020.
Thursday 6th and Saturday 8th February 2020.
Combined chess tournaments of 18 rounds consisting of 9 rounds of Blitz followed by 9 rounds of Rapid.
Auckland Anniversary Weekender 2020 is a 6 round chess tournament held from 25th to 27th January 2020 at the Auckland Chess Centre.
18th and 19th Bay of Plenty Open Invitationals 2020.
Held on 18th and 19th January 2020 at Tauranga RSA.
127th New Zealand Chess Congress 2020, Tauranga.
14th to 24th January 2020.
Incorporating multiple events,NZ Open, NZ Major, Open Junior, NZ Rapid, NZ Blitz.
George Trundle round robins is a chess event consisting of 4 parallel round robin tournaments held from 4th to 12th January 2020 at Auckland Chess Center.
Wellington Open 2025 is a 6 round chess tournament held on Easter weekend, 18th, 19th, 21st April 2025 at Wellington Bridge Club, Thorndon.
I Love Chess Rapid April 2025 is part of a series of 4 over the board rapid chess tournaments for under 18s at the Auckland Chess Centre.
Auckland Anzac Weekender 2025 is a 6 round chess tournament held on 25th, 26th, 27th April at Auckland Chess Centre.
Auckland Double Weekends May 2025 is part of a series of 5 over the board chess tournaments with 8 rounds played on weekends over 2 weeks.
New Zealand Chess News