North Shore Secondary Interschools 2020 is a qualifying event for NZCF National Interschool Chess Championship. The winner will represent North Shore in the Secondary division.

North Shore Secondary Interschools 2020

Westlake Boys High School exterior

Event Cancelled due to COVID-19 please do not enter event.

Table of Contents

North Shore Secondary Interschools 2020

WAS: Wednesday 2nd September 2020

NZCF Interschools logo

Entry Details

Entry Fees

$50 per team.

Entry Instructions

The entry fee of $50 per team must be paid by the school to North Shore Chess Club before the event.

Please make cheques payable to “North Shore Chess Club Inc” and send to: The Secretary, North Shore Chess Club, P.O. Box 33-587, Takapuna, Auckland 0740.

Club account for payment:12-3008-0301266-00 (state school name).

Invoices will be issued, and receipts can be provided on request.

Use online entry form to enter.

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Event Cancelled due to COVID-19 please do not enter event.

Event Information

This is a qualifying event for the 2020 NZCF National Interschool Championship, to be held in Mt Maunganui, September 26th-27th. The winner will represent North Shore, Auckland, in the Secondary division.

If 20 or more teams compete, a second school will qualify; if 30 or more teams compete, a third school will qualify. Qualifiers will be determined by tiebreak if necessary.

Summarised information available in North Shore Chess Club Interschools webpage or printable PDF brochure.


WAS: Wednesday 2nd September 2020


Westlake Boys High School exterior
Westlake Boys High School

30 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill


A 6-round swiss-system event for teams of four players (with optional reserve) from years 9-13 from the same school. Each school may enter two teams. Players should be ranked in order of playing strength; the order must be declared before the start of the event and must not change during the event. Furthermore, players in team A should be stronger than those in team B. Note that teams may be paired against another team from the same school.

Adult Support

Visiting school teams must have an adult (teacher, parent, or guardian) present to supervise them. Teams which arrive without such a supervisor will not be allowed to take part.

Time Controls

15 minutes per player plus an increment of 5 seconds per move. Digital chess clocks will be used.


Teams need to sign in before 9:00am on the day of the tournament. A players’ meeting will follow and we should start at about 9:15am. There will be a break for lunch and we aim to finish by 2:30pm.


The first three teams will receive gold, silver, and bronze medals, which will be individually engraved with each player’s name and sent, with certificates, to school Principals after the event, for presentation at Assembly. Those players who score 6/6 will also receive medals and certificates. If there is a trophy, it will be engraved and delivered to the winning school.


Chief Organiser: Dr. Helen Milligan

Chief Arbiter: IA Helen Milligan

Arbiter: FA Lynn Wei


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Prizewinners would be listed here.


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North Shore Secondary Interschools 2020

Westlake Boys High School exterior



Entries for this event have closed.


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