21st Bay of Plenty Open Invitational 2022
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21st Bay of Plenty Open Invitational 2022
21st BoP Invitational 2022 is held on 15th January 2022 at Tauranga Citizens Club, corner Cameron Road and 13th Avenue, Tauranga. This is an increasingly popular standard time control chess event that is open to all players. Most players are divided into ‘quads’ in separate round robin tournaments.
Postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.
Entry Details
Entry Fees
$25 per player.
Entry Instructions
Club account for payment: BNZ 02-0372-0029728-000 (state name & “BoPInvt”).
Use online entry form to enter.
Postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.
Event Information
Summarised information available in printable PDF brochure.
Saturday 15th January 2022
Postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.

Tauranga Citizens Club
Corner Cameron Road and 13th Avenue, Tauranga.
Book Flights, Transport and Accommodation with
Open to all players.
Non-NZL players must have FIDE ID issued by their chess federation.
NZL players without FIDE ID must provide full Date of Birth.
21st BoP Invitational 2022 is a one day event of Three rounds.
Players will be placed in groups of four or six players.
Each group is a separate individual tournament where four player groups would be paired as a single round robin while six player groups would be paired as a swiss.
All event groups NZCF standard rated where possible.
Time Controls
50 minutes each player plus 30 seconds increment per move from move one.
8.50am players meeting on Saturday 15th January 2022.
Two rounds would be played then a lunch break before final round.
Postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.
Prize Fund
Each group, 1st place $50, 2nd place $30.
(the Bay of Plenty’s only Affiliated NZ Chess Federation chess club)
supported by the complimentary Tauranga Chess Club
Chief Organiser: Caleb Wright
Chief Arbiter: Caleb Wright
Registered players sorted by rating and title
Players will be placed in groups of four or six players. Each group is a separate individual tournament of 3 rounds.
Photos available from
when available
Prizewinners would be listed here.