Auckland Teams Arena June 2023 is the third in a series of 7 chess tournaments. 6 rounds are played over 2 days on a weekend.

Auckland Teams Arena June 2023

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Auckland Chess Weekends (ACW)

ACW events have replaced Auckland Teams Arena (ATA)

Table of Contents

Auckland Teams Arena June 2023

Auckland Teams Arena June 2023 is the third in a series of 7 separate chess tournaments of 6 rounds each. Each tournament is played at a pace of 3 rounds per day over 2 days in a weekend.

Players are paired as individuals with pairings between players from the same team avoided if possible. Sum of top 4 scoring players in a team form the team’s score for a tournament. Teams have a minimum of 4 players in each tournament. A team’s size cannot exceed half the total number of players in a tournament. Organisers will balance the number of teams competing in a tournament and may split up larger teams.

Team scores from tournaments throughout the whole series are added to determine overall standing in the series. Although teams would exist through the whole series, players can change teams between tournaments. Players only need to belong to the same team for the duration of each tournament (one weekend). Possibility of players being poached from other teams may add a more interesting dimension to the series.

Main purpose of the Auckland Teams Arena is to provide chess players more opportunities to play standard time control games that are NZCF and FIDE rated. Players who play in every tournament in Auckland Teams Arena 2023 series would play up to 42 standard rated chess games.

Auckland Chess Weekends rectangle logo

Auckland Chess Weekends (ACW)

ACW events have replaced Auckland Teams Arena (ATA)


Team Standings

Team standings details available in Vega Webpages. (when available)

Vega Webpage View

Links to Vega Results and Vega Webpages. (when available)

Live Game Broadcast

Links to broadcast of live games on DGT Livechess and Lichess. (when available)

Photos available from

(when available)

Entry Details

Entry Fees

$20 per player.

Maximum refund is $10 (due to costs already incurred) for any and all reasons.

Entry Instructions

No entries accepted after 9am Saturday 24th June 2023 or when full.

Only first 60 fully paid player entries accepted due to space constraints.

All entries and payments must be made online with TryBooking (available from 21st May 2023) or through using the form below. Multiple players may be entered in the same booking, simply select number of players (tickets).

Name of player entered would be listed in Vega Results. Link also available in Results section of this webpage.

Please contact us if name is not listed more than a day after submission.

Team Formation

How teams are formed is best explained on this webpage about Auckland Teams Arena by Auckland Chess Centre.

Notify organisers through this form to set up a team. Players must still be entered for a tournament through TryBooking (links or form above).

Players who have not found a team at any tournament will be allocated to “default” teams by the organisers. Organisers may also split a big team or merge teams with insufficient players together. This would be done during the players meeting at 9am Saturday of the tournament.

Event Information

Summarised information available in printable PDF brochure. (when available)

Auckland Teams Arena June 2023 is the third in a series of 7 separate chess tournaments of 6 rounds each. Each tournament is played at a pace of 3 rounds per day over 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) in a weekend.

Players must be rated under 2400 standard FIDE, or be unrated to be eligible to participate in a tournament. Rating ceiling is enforced on a per tournament basis, a player’s eligibility is reinstated if their rating falls below the ceiling in the month of a tournament.

Although Auckland Teams Arena is a competition between teams, players enter tournaments and are paired as individuals with pairings between players from the same team avoided if possible. Team standings within a tournament are determined through team scores that are the sum of the scores of each team’s top 4 scoring players.

Team scores from all tournaments in the whole series are added to determine overall standing in the series. Although teams would exist through the whole series, players can change teams between tournaments, i.e. players only need to belong to the same team for the duration of each tournament (one weekend). Enabling the possibility of players being poached or moved around teams strategically may add a more interesting dimension to the series!

Teams have a minimum size of 4 players in each tournament. A team’s maximum size cannot exceed half the total number of players in a tournament. Players should normally be able to choose which team they wish to belong to in a tournament. However the organiser(s) will balance the number of teams competing in a tournament and may split up larger teams.

Main purpose of the Auckland Teams Arena is to provide chess players more opportunities to play standard time control games that are NZCF and FIDE rated. Players who play in every tournament in Auckland Teams Arena 2023 series would play up to 42 standard rated chess games.


Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th June 2023


Auckland Chess Centre exterior view January 2021

Auckland Chess Centre, 17 Cromwell Street, Mt Eden, Auckland.

Book Flights, Transport and Accommodation with


Open to all players rated below 2400 standard FIDE or unrated.

Non-NZL players must have FIDE ID issued by their chess federation.

NZL players without FIDE ID must provide full Date of Birth.

Only first 60 fully paid player entries accepted per tournament due to space constraints.


Auckland Teams Arena 2023 consists of 7 separate 6 round Swiss system chess tournaments, NZCF & FIDE rated where possible.

Players are paired as individuals with pairings between players from the same team avoided if possible. If you wish to avoid playing with a player, join their team. Similarly, do not join the teams of players you prefer to play against!

Teams have a minimum size of 4 players in each tournament. A team’s maximum size cannot exceed half the total number of players in a tournament. Players should normally be able to choose which team they wish to belong to in a tournament. However the organiser(s) will balance the number of teams competing in a tournament and may split up larger teams.

Team standings within a tournament are determined through team scores that are the sum of the scores of each team’s top 4 scoring players. Team scores from all tournaments in the whole series are added to determine overall standing in the series.

Time Controls

60 minutes each player plus 30 seconds increment per move from move one.


Start Time Day
Players meeting 9am Saturday
Round 1 9.30am Saturday
Round 2 1pm Saturday
Round 3 4.30pm Saturday
Round 4 9.30am Sunday
Round 5 1pm Sunday
Round 6 4.30pm Sunday

Prize Fund

In order to keep participation costs to a minimum, there is no prize money. You are playing for honour and your team’s standing.

Main purpose of the Auckland Teams Arena is to provide chess players more opportunities to play standard time control games that are NZCF and FIDE rated. Players who play in every tournament in Auckland Teams Arena 2023 series would play up to 42 standard rated chess games.


Chief Organiser: IO Mike Steadman

Chief Arbiter: IA Keong Ang

Arbiter: Timothy Ha


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