COVID-19: Chess Activity Affected
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COVID-19: Chess Activity Affected
COVID-19 needs to be slowed down so that people requiring medical treatment at the same time is reduced. Doing so would enable the healthcare system to be better able to cope. The best way currently available to accomplish this is social distancing.
A useful guide about improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Mental Health and Addiction Resources by Ark Behavioral Health.
A helpful resource for those people/communities suffering from substance use disorder by AddictionResource.Net
Chess and Social Distancing
Over the board chess has high risk of COVID-19 infection. All chess games played over the board effectively require close contact where people are within a meter of each other for longer than 15 minutes with repeated touching of chess equipment surfaces.
To reduce the rate of infection within the population involved with chess, all over the board chess games need to be stopped. In New Zealand, responsible and prudent chess clubs and organisers should suspend, cancel, or postpone their chess tournaments and games.
Everyone who arrives in New Zealand after 1am Monday 16th March 2020 would need to self isolate for 14 days. Exception being those who come from COVID-19 free Pacific Islands. Therefore social distancing would be prudent for the rest of March 2020. By which time whether there is community transmission of COVID-19 would be known and, hopefully if none, life can return to normal within New Zealand.
Affected New Zealand Chess Activity
These are the chess activities that we know are affected up to 12pm Sunday 15th March 2020. List will be continually updated.
Chess Clubs
Auckland Chess Centre has cancelled their Monday club nights for 16th and 23rd March 2020. Check the club’s website and Facebook page for updates.
Update 8pm 15th March 2020.
Hamilton Chess Club has suspended all club activities indefinitely. Check the club’s website and Facebook group for details and updates.
Update 10am 16th March 2020.
North Shore Chess Club has closed both main and junior clubs until at least 8th April 2020. Check the club’s website for details and updates.
Update 2pm 16th March 2020.
Counties Chess Club is in recess from 4th March till at least 17th April when the situation will be reassessed.
Update 11am 17th March 2020.
Wellington Chess Club has cancelled 19th and 26th March club nights. Check the club’s website for details and updates.
Papatoetoe Chess Club has cancelled 18th and 25th March club nights. Check the club’s website and Facebook page for details and updates.
Kapiti Chess Club has cancelled club nights. Currently expected to resume on 31st March but this is pending review. Check club’s website for details and updates.
Update 9pm 17th March 2020.
Canterbury Chess Club has suspended all club activity. Currently expected to resume on 1st April pending review. Check club’s website and Facebook page for details and updates.
Update 11am 18th March 2020.
Auckland Chess Association interclubs for 2020 cancelled.
Summit Chess Club activities suspended till end of March.
Update 11am 19th March 2020.
Waitakere Chess Club has closed for 4 weeks starting 19th March. Check club’s website and Facebook page for details and updates.
Update 12pm 21st March 2020.
New Zealand Chess Federation has cancelled interschools until further notice. All chess tournaments will not be rated until 30th June. All chess clubs, whether affiliated or not, are strongly advised to suspend activities. This would be reviewed at end of June 2020.
Chess Tournaments
New Zealand Senior Chess Championship 2020 has been postponed to 10th to 13th September 2020. Check event webpage for updates.
Update 12.30pm 16th March 2020.
Latvian Rapid 2020 has been postponed. New date to be advised.
Update 7pm 17th March 2020.
NZ Chess Grand Prix 2020 has been cancelled. Check NZCF website for details and official updates.
Update 11am 18th March 2020.
Wellington Open 2020 has been cancelled.
Update 12pm 21st March 2020.
New Zealand Chess Federation has cancelled all tournaments prior to 30th June 2020. None will be sanctioned, supported or rated. This would be reviewed at end of June 2020.
New Zealand Chess Federation regional interschools cancelled until further notice.
Update 8am 25th March 2020.
FIDE has announced that the Chess Olympiad is postponed to 2021.
Affected Australian Chess Activity
Chess activity in Australia that we know are affected as of 12pm Monday 16th March 2020. List would be continously updated.
Chess Clubs in Australia
Melbourne Chess Club has closed indefinitely. Check the club’s website and Facebook group for details and updates.
Update 11am 17th March 2020.
South Australian Chess Centre closed till 7th April 2020. All chess events held at this venue suspended.
Update 10pm 17th March 2020.
Campbelltown Public Library chess club has closed. Reopening when situation changes. Check Facebook page for details and updates.
Update 5pm 18th March 2020.
Burnie Chess Club has suspended activities until further notice.
Update 11pm 18th March 2020.
Chess Victoria has put all tournaments on hold until further notice.
Update 11am 18th March 2020.
ACT Chess Association and ACT chess clubs have suspended all chess events.
Chess Tournaments in Australia
Doeberl Cup 2020 has been cancelled. Check event website for details.
Sydney International Open has been cancelled. Check event website for details.
Until further notice, Chess Association of Queensland has cancelled all official club meetings, inter-school events and ACF rated tournaments in Queensland. Check website and Facebook for details and updates.
Chess Victoria has cancelled 2020 Junior Blitz and Rapid. More decisions at executive meeting on Wednesday. Check website and Facebook for details and updates.
Oceania Youth Chess Championship 2020, Canberra, has been cancelled by ACT Junior Chess League.
Update 11am 17th March 2020.
Dubbo RSL Open 2020, incorporating NSW Country Championship 2020 has been cancelled. Check NSWCA website for details.
South Australian Championships 2020 and South Australian Candidates 2020 suspended till 7th April 2020. Due to closure of South Australian Chess Centre.
Update 11pm 18th March 2020.
Oceania Zonal 2021, Toorak, Melbourne, VIC is on hold until further notice.